An island divided: Haitian immigrants deported from the Dominican Republic | PBS

More than a year after the earthquake in Haiti, the Dominican Republic is deporting Haitian refugees en masse, prompting allegations of racism and wrongful treatment by human rights activists.

Citizenship shift leaves Dominican-Haitians stateless

During the 20th century, hundreds of thousands of Haitians crossed into to the wealthier Dominican Republic to escape poverty and political instability only to face color-based racism and repression. Recently, the Dominican government drew international outrage when it ended birthright citizenship for people born to undocumented Haitians in the country. PBS NewsHour Weekend’s Ivette Feliciano reports.

The Life of Haitians in Dominican Republic - Migration Challenges Culture

In this Documentary, Mr.T explores as to why so many Haitians migrate to Dominican Republic, their lives there, and the challenges they faced back in Haiti, as well as how it was to settle and integrate in Dominican Society, dealing with racism, police harassment, immigration, respect and acceptance issues.  You'll get to see clips from both Haiti and the DR and learn about the cultural differences. You'll hear Mr.T interview several down-to-earth Haitians and Americans who's traveled to and lived on both sides of the Island of Hispaniola.  Mr.T also discusses the topic of creating many more businesses and Jobs in their currently grim economy and how this could be achieved. Finally, you'll also hear the view of a Dom Rep Businessman and Politician, as to his view on the Haitian immigrants. Enjoy!

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